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founded as Asian Association of Schools of Business International
Incorporated 2011 in the State of Delaware, United States currently Associated Verein by a Charter adopted and operated under Swiss law
recognizing and accrediting international schools of business and educators on the worldwide web this
Accreditation is a voluntary non-governmental process, including a rigorous external review of a university, college or school's mission, a faculty qualifications,
curricula and ability to provide the highest-quality programs.
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ROYAL ROADS UNIVERSITY Holistic Education Curriculum Learn Teachers and Research Model
Royal Roads University
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LEARNING, TEACHING & RESEARCH MODEL Royal Roads University aims to provide learning, teaching and research that help people transform careers and lives by solving problems and creating
opportunities in the world. As set out in our original Learning and Teaching Model (LTM) in 2013, we focus onproducing citizens of the world who are passionate, determined and confident lifelong
learners, integrated into a broad network of like-minded learners, and who can confidently manage and resolve complex, real-life problems."
RRU Online Image of "Copilote"
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Situated in its wider context, this LTRM expresses how we work at Royal Roads and connects to both what we learn, teach and research, and most importantly, why we work at Royal Roads.
This document contains three parts: Part 1 describes the model's evolution and theoretical foundations, Part 2 sets out the model itself, and Part 3 charts the next steps in its ongoing evolution.
In the Appendix are our research methods.
This Learning Teaching and Research Model (LTRM) document offers practitioners staff, faculty, students, alumni and others a report on how the LTRM emerged, what it is, how its categories and
attributes are defined, and how these apply to learning, teaching and research at Royal Roads and the services supporting them. Like our original Learning and Teaching Model (LTM, 2013),
the LTRM is "not intended to be a static, rigid, and prescriptive entity" (Hamilton, Grundy, Agger-Gupta, Veletsianos, & Marquez, 2017, p. 19). Rather, the LTRM is mean to inspire ongoing engagement,
dialogue, creativity, meaning making and debate among the wider Royal Roads community about what we do, why we do it, and how it contributes to our unique learning environment, culture and practice.
The LTRM invites you to reflect on your practice, and to continue our collective conversation and learning. (Hamilton, Marquez, & Agger-Gupta, 2013, p. 1)
This document details what our LTRM Working Group learned through an extensive, iterative and inclusive inquiry process in which we consulted members of the Royal Roads community about their learning,
teaching and research practices. We then refined these findings into a model comprising key values and attributes, and grounded in pedagogical theory. Our group also identified trends in higher education
that support and align with how we work together to create highly effective learning and research environments. This first part sets out the model's evolution and theoretical foundations.
ENDOWMENT Your AASBI Accredited university certification
e.g. Graduate School of Business, publishings students, graduates,
corporations and partnerships for prostitutions, internships, studying research to facilitate Donations of Endowment fpr largest categories of funds cover faculty salaries, including professorships,
and financial aid for undergrads, graduate fellowships, and student life and activities to support academic programs, libraries, art museums, facilities, and a wide variety of other activities.
See Wikipedia Lists of the World's Institutions of higher education by endowment size.
Endowment and tuition fees
"As a need-blind school, makes admission decisions and financial aid decisions independently.
The cost of tuition, student activity fees, room and board for the 2024-25 academic year was $85,802 (tuition fees were $65,058).
The college meets 100% of admitted student demonstrated need without use of student loans,
an important distinction from the many schools that meet 100% of demonstrated need, but only through loans (which must be repaid) rather than institutional grant- and scholarship-based funding (which does not require
repayment). Financial aid is accessed by 56% of the student body, and the average financial aid award was $50,361 during the 2017-18 year. Swarthmore has the eleventh largest endowment per undergraduate in the country.
Operating revenue for the 2016 fiscal year was $148,086,000, over 50% of which was provided by the endowment."
See Swarthmore College Wikipedia Endowment and tuition fees".
See the short AASBI Application form application checking
See also the long 3-page AASBI Application Checklist and Affirmation February 2024
Geneva Business School's view large certificate
Geneva Business School's Campus Geneva Barcelona Madrid Lisbon home's website.
ENDOWMENT Universities
United States
As of FY2023, the total endowment market value of U.S. institutions stood at $839.090 billion, with an average across all institutions of $1.215 billion and a median of $215.682 million.
As Harvard's endowment spending suggests, these assets allow institutions of higher learning to directly support students through things like scholarships and fellowships. Schools with very large
endowments often offer generous financial aid packages in an effort to maintain or improve campus diversity.
U.S. Ranking of 2023 Ivy League Endowment Performance:
- Columbia University: $13.64 Billion
- Cornell University: Just Over $10 Billion
- Harvard University: $50.7 Billion
- Princeton University: $34.1 Billion
- Yale University: $40.7 Billion
- Dartmouth College: $7.9 Billion
- University of Pennsylvania: $21 Billion
The US is home to over 700 billionaires, so unsurprisingly, many ultra-rich elites attended the same top universities.
These 12 colleges have produced more billionaires than any other Business Insider
In June 2024, Forbes released a list of the colleges with the most billionaires in their alumni network. Ivy Leagues dominated the list, as seven of the most prestigious institutions had upwards
of 11 billionaire graduates. (Brown University was the only Ivy not included.)
The billionaires across the 12 colleges listed have a combined net worth of nearly $1.7 trillion. This number only includes the net worths of graduated alumni, so the contributions of college
dropouts like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are not included in the calculations.
From Harvard to USC, here are the colleges with the most billionaire alums, per Forbes' report. (The net worths were accurate as of June 2024.)
United Kingdom
UK's best Oxford at GBP 4.355 billion. BUT then moving down to others such as KCL at GBP 162.2 million and Warwick (one of the emerging universities) at only GBP 8.6 million!
Some people have argued the difference is between the U.S. and UK but moving to other well-known universities such as University of Toronto has $1.881 billion
(excluding colleges in Canadian Dollars) and University of Sydney also has $1.8 billion (AUD). Australia's newer universities (and ones) such as the University of
Macquarie also has $850 million. Macquarie is just one year older than Warwick.
Expenditure of universities in Germany increased by five per cent in 2022, indicating that higher education institutions in the country spent EUR 3.8 million more than they did in the previous year.
According to Destatis, the Federal Statistical Office, a good share of expenses was made for personnel a remaining trend from the previous year.
Studying-in-Germany.org reports In 2022, universities spent billions to maintain current operating expenses while investment expenditures totalled over EUR 9 billion. In other words,
EUR 40.6 billion was spent on personnel expenses, representing 57 per cent of all expenditures for the year. Expenses for personnel were higher by four percentage points compared to 2021.
Tuition and financial assistance
Being a public university, the heavily subsidized (by Swiss federal tax) tuition fees are CHF 730 per semester, regardless of the student's nationality. Both merit and need based scholarships
are also available. The Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) is a merit scholarship program for master students with excellent grades in their undergraduate program.
GSB Geneva Business School AASBI Accredited since 2013
TO The President and Deans
Faculties of School and Business Administration
AASBI - Endowment Schools of Business
Many colleges/universities in the United States maintain a financial endowment consisting of assets that are invested in financial securities, real estates and other
instruments. The investment yields a return that funds a portion of an institution's operational expenses while the principal exists in perpetuity.
U.S. colleges and universities maintain some of the largest endowments in the world and make up the vast majority of higher education institutions
with endowments greater than $1 billion.
The 8 Ivy Leave Universities including Harvard, Princeton and Yale are also the endowment Schools of Businesses in the United States, how also the American Assembly
of Collegiate Schools of Business in 1916 to provide accreditation to schools of business for hundred a years ago in 1916. The five institutions with the largest
Ivy's endowments FY2021 were Harvard $53 billion, Yale $42 billion, Stanford $38 billion, Princeton University, $37 billion, University Texas System $40 billion,
and the United States in all institution $700 billion.
Bill Gates (Microsoft) has awarded $11.6 billion in funding to 471 universities and higher education institutions in 66 countries over the past 10 years, 92% of its
university funding goes to universities in high income countries, 8% goes to middle income countries, just $20 million was awarded to 13 universities in low income
countries between 2010-19.
AASBI lookings for applications to new Accredited Schools of Business, to be accepted free of charge.
With all best wishes
Emeritus Rev. Brother Prathip Martin Komolmas
AASBI Brochure Thailand 17 April 2024
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AASBI Application Checklist & Affirmation Updated January/February 2024 PDF
Minister Education & Science of Ukraine Oksen Lisovyi
Ukraine Brochure 27 April 2024
Letter dated 20 May 2024 Wealth and Universities by Endowment Donations
including Multinational Companies (MNC)
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AASBI Checklist & Affirmation Application
U.S. Secretary Antony Blinken
Brochure US-China
Letter to China
Letter to Thailand
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AASBI Checklist * Affirmation Application
Sergio Ermotti, CEO of UBS
UBS's acquisition of Deutsche Bank would a consolidated
UBS-DE total of $3+ trillion assets to become 6th in the world just a nick of Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan Chase.
Letter Fraud 06 June 2024 to Deutsche Bank Excutive not to transfer of EUR 4'500 customer deposits
Letter cover
tagesschau BaFin re Deutsche Bank fraud
Check & Affirmation short form
AASBI Application Checklist & Affirmation Updated January/February 2024 PDF
UK PM Rishi Sunak vs. French President Emmanuel Macron
French President Emmanuel Macron
and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made a show of unity on thw war in Ukraine, in greeting that their priority would be to contiue to support the country
in the war gainst aggression.
Letter cover 04 June 2024
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AASBI Application Checklist & Affirmation Updated January/February 2024 PDF
Dean Jin Wang, College of Business & Public Management
Kean University, Union Township, New Jersey, USA and KeanWinzouh, China
Cover Letter 10 June 2024>
AACSB Fully accredited Kean University College of Business and Public Management
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AASBI Application Checklist & Affirmation Updated January/February 2024 PDF
Otto Beisheim, 84, with marriage Elise Evers on 27 NOV 2008
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Cover Letter 11 JUN 2024
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AASBI Application Checklist & Affirmation Updated January/February 2024 PDF
Christian Sewing and James von Moltke of Deutsche Bank, Head Office in Frankfurt
See Archive also Expensive verdict looms: Will Deutsche Bank lose against Postbank shareholders?
Deutsche Bank AG Verliert die Deutsche Bank gegen die Postbank-Aktionäre
One they lose against shareholders
Rundbrief 30. Juli 2024 in Sachen "Postbank Deutsche Bank.
eine Niederlassung der Deutsche Bank AG" und zwar als Vagabunden der Vorstände und Geschäfts-führer und Mitglieder der Postbank Soll nicht die UBS (wie in 2023
die Credit Suuisse) die Aktien zum Schnäppchen von ein bis zwei Schweizerfranken die Notübernahme der Deutsche Bank übernehmen damit die tausende und geprellt Postbankkunden schlussendlich
ihr Geld erhalten sind.
Cover Letter Acquistion UBS-Deutsche Bank Betrug / Fraud letter 06 June 2024
Counsel letter11 July 2024
re: Check Shares Bankruptcy Auf Passen Aktien-Pleite
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AASBI Application Checklist & Affirmation Updated January/February 2024 PDF
Chancellor Prof. Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. from University of Agder, Norway, Rector of Univertas Islam Indonesia in Yagiakarta, Indoneaia (UII).
Universitas di Indonesia AASBI Printed Brochure 10 September 2024
AASBI Letters to Universitas of Faculty of Business School
AASBI Review of Endowment Research Indonesia 10 Sept 2024
Profile 2024
Counsel Letter re Indonesia AASBI Accreditations & Endowments Managing Director dated 07 September 2024
List of Accredited & Recognized
Cover Letter / Rundbrief
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AASBI Application Checklist & Affirmation Updated January/February 2024 PDF
AASBI Application Checklist & Affirmation Updated January/February 2024
AASBI Application Checklist & Affirmation Updated January/February 2024 PDF |
MS Word. The accepted AASBI Accredited and the AASBI Certificate are free's of charge.
Dues - AASBI business accreditation GAEP 26: The Applicant undertakes to remit the AASBI's regular accreditation dues $2,650 USD per annual year for schools of business.
Academe's reputation as a place of ideas where the freedom of expression enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Humans Rights is especially
valued and protected.
AASBI accredits schools of business in countries that observe and guarantee the
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other rights, including the right to
Life, liberty and security of the person
without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
AASBI believes in the integrity of the individual as opposed to the despotism of the state as the basis of democracy, and that education must be free from political control.
Ref.: Ralph Cooper Hutchison, "Facism and Higher Education,"
The Atlantic June 1939 Issue.
Continued in the ARCHIVE.